2. Claudia Vieira_2000_Untitled#03172000_Charcoal on paper_26x37.5in 2.jpg

Works (Copy)

The Body is the House - Praxis Gallery - New York, NY - 2018

The Anthropocene - 525W Studio - New York - NY - 2018

KOAN - Drawing Environment, 75 days; a single continuous line 17 miles in length, made with 1/4” black masking tape. Triangle Studio, NYC, 2003.

waterLINE: Porto Alegre - New York, 2010 | Queens Museum of Art | Wall Drawing in the Unisphere Gallery.

TRIUM 408B (Architectural Topographies project 2002-present) | Governors Island, NYC, sept 2015.

 Praxis, NYC | Stairway Line

GARDENS OF DELIGHT | Pratt Institute, NY, USA - 2002. 
Inspired by Hieronymus Bosch's triptych painting (ca. 1504) The BRIGHT ROOM / Paradise; The SPIRAL ROOMThe world as it is and the DARK ROOM Hell. 

TIMESLICE | Triangle Studio, NYC - 2003

underline_RIO | LINHAd'agua, Galeria da Funarte, Ministry of Culture, RJ, Brazil, 2007

underLINE: KYOTO,  KYOTO ARTS CENTER, Japan, 2004-7 by Grady Gerbracht & Claudia Vieira.

Double Trace, No-Eyes Viewing Wall at Brooklyn Zen Center, June 11, 2011 through October 26, 2011.
Since 2001, Claudia Vieira has worked with a single drawn line, which may fill paper, wall, or a large space. Claudia has been requested to make a drawing in two stages, filling one large paper sheet stretched over the entire No-Eyes Viewing Wall.

BushwickLINE, a continuous line environment created at BAX spaces, during Bushwick Open Studios.